Generally, there are various ways to start an essay, including().
A. stating your thesis briefly and directly
B. posing a question related to your subject and then answer it
C. presenting your thesis as a recent discovery or revelation
D. opening with a riddle, joke, or humorous quotation, and show how it reveals something about your subject
E. sharing with your reader something engaging, like an anecdote
A. 慢性支气管炎
B. 肺阿米巴病
C. 大叶性肺炎
D. 肺脓肿
E. 肺源性心脏病
A. 肺内大片渗出物未能及时清除,而肉芽组织长入
B. 肺内肉瘤细胞弥漫浸润
C. 肺内癌浸润实变呈肉质样
D. 肺内慢性长期淤血,纤维增生
E. 硅肺时,肺部弥漫性纤维化所致
A. 病变常累及一个大叶
B. 纤维素性炎症
C. 可发生肺肉质变
D. 多由肺炎链球菌引起
E. 常并发肺脓肿
A. 纤维素性炎
B. 特殊性炎
C. 化脓性炎
D. 卡他性炎
E. 变质性炎