
甲向乙借款,并以本人所有的一件古董花瓶设定质押担保,甲为此就该花瓶购买了一份财产意外损失险。在乙保管花瓶期间,花瓶毁于泥石流。如果甲没有按时还款,根据物权法律制度的规定,下列表述中,正确的是()。 (2009年新制度)

A. 乙可以就保险金优先受偿
B. 乙可以要求以保险金受偿,但是并不优先于甲的其他债权人
C. 泥石流属于不可抗力事件,甲可以不偿还乙的借款
D. 乙应当赔偿甲花瓶灭失的损失



A.The shop promised to change another oneB.The shop promised to repair it if you charg

A. The shop promised to change another one
B. The shop promised to repair it if you charge it
C. The shop promised to repair it for free it if it broke down in the first three months.
D. The shop promised to repair it for free it if it broke down in one month.

A.It is impossible for us to stop heart attacks and many people die for it.B.Advances

A. It is impossible for us to stop heart attacks and many people die for it.
B. Advances in medicine help stop many heart attacks and keep people alive.
C. Lifestyle. changes have increased the number of heart attacks.
D. We have the technology to cure all the heart attacks.


A. struck
B. brought
C. forced
D. penetrated
