

A. 提高资源的利用率
B. 方便地管理和升级资源
C. 浪费资源
D. 省人工


You can trace its roots back to the 1950s, when computer technology itself was quite young. (para.1)其发轫可以追溯到20世纪50年代,那时计算机技术本身也刚刚起步。trace sth. (back) (to sth.): vt. to find the origin or cause of sth. 追溯;追究Eg: 泄露最终查出是由于密封处破裂所致。

In the 1960s and ’70s, teams of engineers and computer scientists worked to build the foundation for a network of networks. (para.1)20世纪60年代和70年代,一些工程师和计算机科学家团队合作打下了将子网络再联结成网的基础。foundation: n. a principle, an idea or a fact that sth is based on and that it grows from 基本原理; 根据;基础Eg: 这些故事纯属虚构。

ARPANET, one of the Internet’s predecessors, began modestly as a three-node network. (para.1)互联网的前身之一阿帕网,开始时不过是仅有三个节点的网络。modest: adj. not very large, expensive, important, etc. 些许的;不太大(或太贵,太重要等)的Eg: 这个研究项目开展的规模不算太大。

A decade later, the general public became aware of the Internet as tools like the World Wide Web made it easy for the general user to access it. (para. 1)十年后,万维网之类的工具使普通用户得以轻松连接到互联网,普通民众也开始注意到互联网的存在。Through facial recognition software and a connection to the Internet, you have instant access to public information about your interest. (para.6)通过面部识别软件连接互联网即时找到此人的共享信息,包括他或她加入的任何社交网络。access: vt. (formal) to reach, enter or use sth. 到达;进入;使用Eg: 搭梯子可以上阁楼。access (to sth): n. the opportunity or right to use sth or to see sb./sth. (使用或见到的)机会,权利Eg: 很多离婚的父亲只有在周末才有权见到自己的孩子。
