

A. 监督者
B. 传播者
C. 发言人
D. 协调者
E. 资源分配者



A. 护理质量管理
B. 护理人力资源管理
C. 护理经济管理
D. 护士健康管理
E. 护理管理环境

Please translate the following sentences1. 我来帮您拿行李,好吗?2. 先生, 请问您一共有几件行李?3. 请您稍等,我去拿行李车。4. 我会带您去前台。5。 您的房间在13 层。6. 我可以把您的行李放在这个架子上吗?7. 这是我们酒店的服务指南。8. 酒店一楼宇欧游泳池、美容院和咖啡吧。


A. acb
B. acd
C. ace
D. acf

no sooner … thanThe pattern no sooner …than can be used to suggest that one thing happened very quickly after another. It’s often used with the past perfect tense and with inverted word order.1. Look at the sentence.As soon as I closed my eyes, a car arrived at top speed …You can rewrite it like this:No sooner had I closed my eyes than a car arrived at topspeed …Now rewrite the sentences using no sooner … than.1. As soon as he got dressed, he went to a travel agency.2. As soon as he realized the nuisance of travelling abroad, he paid his bill and went home.3. As soon as we got in our rooms, we decided to rest.4. As soon as one group finished singing, the other group started dancing.5. As soon as people realized how long the concert was going to be, they began to leave.
