在JavaScript中,下列属于鼠标响应事件的是( )
A. onmouseover
B. onmouseout
C. onkeydown
D. onmousedown
下列选项中,正确的选择器是( )
A. strong{color:
B. 333333;font-size:12px}
C. B.
D. strong{color:
E. 333333;font-size:12px}
F. Class{color:
G. 333333;font-size:12px}
H. .strong{color:
I. 333333;font-size:12px}
Which of the following words is the most concrete and specific?
A. Prescription medicine.
B. Aspirin.
C. Medicine.
D. Health care.
“My grandmother is the glue that holds our family together” is an example of __________.
A. metaphor
B. antithesis
C. repetition
D. simile