A. 三快一慎
B. 严检慎修
C. 三位一体
D. 三防一杜绝
A stand-on vessel is().
A. required to give way in a crossing situation
B. required to sound the first passing signal in a meeting situation
C. free to maneuver in any crossing or meeting situation as it has the right-of-way
D. required to maintain course and speed in a crossing situation but may take action to avoid collisio
A. 正确
B. 错误
A. 只需运输功能
B. 运距长,尽可能轻便
C. 具有简单可靠地握、脱循环牵引索的装置(握索器)
D. 具备拖、提、运、降的功能
E. 可横向拖集木材