
Why did he get the milk spilt all over the kitchen floor?

A. He failed to remove the bottle and it fell.
B. He was too young to carry the heavy bottle.
C. He had no confidence in taking the bottle.
D. He loosed his grip on the bottle deliberately.


How did his mother respond to his mistake?

A. She punished him by making him clean the kitchen.
B. She shouted to stop him from doing anything.
C. She allowed him to play in the milk first.
D. She taught him how to carry the bottle immediatedly.

The mother and the son went out in the back yard to ______ .

A. find some water to clean the bottle
B. find a way to carry the bottle effectively
C. search for another bottle to hold the milk
D. see how to fill the bottle without dropping it

It is stated in the passage that mistakes give chances to ____.

A. know the truth clearly
B. learn something new
C. do some experiments
D. teach a child a lesson

在下列支出项目中,准予在计算应纳税所得额时从收入总额中直接扣除的有( )。

A. 企业缴纳的增值税
B. 转让固定资产发生的费用
C. 以经营租赁方式租人的固定资产发生的租赁费
D. 以融资租赁方式租人的固定资产发生的租赁费
