
Theuniversitywillreachits __________ of5000studentsnextSeptember.

A. victim
B. territory
C. virtue
D. target


There are a lot of existing perceptions about British food, so we can't __________ these too much.

A. calculate
B. encounter
C. alter
D. discover

There is a tight connection between theory and practice that all theories __________ from practice and in return serve practice.

A. starts
B. begins
C. initiates
D. originate

There was fear and __________in his voice.

A. haste
B. harmony
C. hatred
D. mood


A. 气体进出肺的过程
B. 气体进出组织细胞的过程
C. 呼气和吸气之和
D. 机体与环境之间的气体交换过程
E. 肺泡气体与肺毛细血管血液之间的气体交换
