
In the internet age, many colleges are straining to stand_______from their peers.

A. out
B. outside
C. in
D. above


The anywhere-anytime access to internet has already yield _________ benefits in education.

A. amusing
B. amused
C. amazing
D. amazed

If the university can not deliver the high band-width information, it will be at a _________.

A. competitive advantage
B. competition disadvantage
C. competitive advantageous
D. competitive disadvantage

With the development of economy, the network has become an _________ part in people's life.

A. accountable
B. crucial
C. indispensable
D. requisite

In an eara of _________ heroism, the word hero has become more common4

A. heighten
B. heightening
C. heightened
D. height
