
John wrote them for information a week ago, but they are still holding out on him.

A. There has been no response to John’s inquiry.
B. They are holding the letter for John.
C. They wrote John quickly in answer to his letter.
D. They showed no hesitation in their eagerness to respond.


If he left, everything would go to pieces.

A. He will not go – that is what he promised.
B. Things will take a turn for the worse, and then he will leave.
C. It has nothing to do with him.
D. He is not going to leave, there is nothing to worry about.

He was none the wiser after being taught repeatedly the same lesson.

A. He never learns.
B. He is very wise.
C. He picks up things quickly.
D. He has learned many lessons.

Heart disease continues to decline or decrease but still tops the list of the 15 leading killers, a group that causes 89% of all American deaths.

Although heart disease continues to decline, it still causes more American deaths than any other disease.
B. About 80% of all American deaths are caused by heart disease.
C. As heart disease continues to decline, it is no longer the first of the 15 leading killers.
D. About 89% of all American deaths are caused by the disease other than heart disease in the list of 15 leading killers.

Tom should have known better when he asked her to go out with him, her parents being so very old-fashioned.

A. Tom did not ask her to go out with him because he did not know her better than he actually did.
B. Knowing that she would not go out with him any way since her parents were old-fashioned. Tom did not ask her.
C. She refused to go out with Tom.
D. She went out with Tom in spite of her parents’ strong objection.
