
听力原文:M Thank you for calling Softly Spoken. How may I direct your call?
W My name is Katherine Williams, I work over at International Finance and I am hosting a meeting with some of our Japanese clients next week. I'd like to speak with Mr. Mashimoto about doing some interpreting for me at the meeting so that I can communicate more easily with everyone. I heard he's really good.
M I'm sorry, but Mr. Mashimoto is out of the office today. But I can give you his cell phone number so you can reach him.
W Thank you. I really need to speak with him.
Where does the woman work?

At Softly Spoken
B. At an international trading agency
C. At a customer service center
D. At a financial institution


What does Keiko suggest?

A. To make the reservation right away
B. To go to the conference
C. To make a phone call for cancellation
D. To apply for the conference soon

听力原文: On local news, Klondike Valley Park will officially open its trails to mountain bikers on Monday. For years, the trails were restricted to hikers and people on horseback. This will be a positive change for mountain bikers, as they were banned from these trails. Many bikers have been fined for riding on these trails which they feel should be free to everyone. Many hikers, however, are not pleased with sharing the trails. They feel the extra traffic will increase damage to trails. Bikers feel the opposite; saying that they actively volunteer time to build and repair trails.
What is the report about?

A. Mountain biking is a popular sport.
B. Mountain bikers do not respect trail rules.
C. More restrictions will be imposed on mountain bikers.
D. Restrictions on trails have been lifted for mountain bikers.

According to the report, what did mountain bikers previously receive?

A. Expensive penalties for trail use
B. A letter saying they could not ride trails
C. A pass giving them access to all trails
D. An apology for being restricted from the trails

What will Ms. Whitehead discuss?

A. How to reduce electricity usage
B. How to increase productivity
C. How to have a healthy workplace
D. How to use health benefits
