
Through the discussion they gained an extraordinary insight into the complexity of women's

A. cleverness of
B. knowledge of
C. prediction of
D. perception of



A. nothing short of
B. nothing but
C. anything but
D. no more than


A. according to
B. in view of
C. in terms of
D. because of

The possible physical damage that could be done if human cloning became a reality is obvious when one looks at the sheer loss of life that occurred before the birth of Dolly. Less than ten percent of the initial transfers survive to be healthy creatures. There were 277 trial implants of nuclei. Nineteen of those 277 were deemed healthy while the others were discarded. Five of those nineteen survived, but four of them died within ten days of birth of severe abnormalities. Dolly was the only one to survive. Even lan Wilmut, one of the scientists accredited with the cloning phenomenon at the Roslin Institute agrees, "the more you interfere with reproduction, the more danger there is of things going wrong." The psychological effects of cloning are less obvious, but nonetheless, very plausible. In addition to physical harms, there are worries about the psychological harms to cloned human children. One of those harms is that cloning creates serious issues of identity and individuality.
Human cloning is obviously damaging to both the family and the cloned child. It is harder to convince that non-human cloning is wrong and unethical, but it is just the same. Western culture and tradition has long held the belief that the treatment of animals should be guided by different ethical standards than the treatment of humans. Animals have been seen as non-feeling and savage beasts since time began. Humans in general have no problem with seeing animals as objects to be used whenever it becomes necessary. But what would happen if humans started to use animals as body for growing human organs? What if we were to learn how to clone functioning brains and have them grow inside of chimps? Would non-human primates, such as a chimpanzee, who carried one or more human genes via transgenic technology, be defined as still a chimp, a human, a subhuman, or something else? If defined as human, would we have to give it rights of citizenship? And if humans were to carry non-hum, an transgenic genes, would that alter our definitions and treatment of them? Also, if the technology were to be so that scientists could transfer human genes into animals and vice versa, it could create a worldwide catastrophe that no one would be able to stop.
The arguments that cloning will have harmful effects ______.

A. are very convincing
B. have forced people to stop cloning
C. have forced people to question the concept of cloning
D. have compelled people to debate the implications of cloning

Money played a great role in marriage—even an unhappy one. Approximately 18 percent of all those interviewed said they stayed married because they lacked money to get a divorce, while less than 8 percent said that financial strain in their marriage has caused them to divorce.
Lack of money also influenced education choices. Nearly one in four Americans has postponed or decided not to attend college because of financial pressures. Even with the sustained prosperity of the past eight years, Gen-Xers were most likely to have altered their college plans. A 39-year-old Hispanic billing clerk in New York spoke about how the need for money limited her teenager son's ability to take part in extracurricular activities that could increase his chances of getting into college. "Since age 14, my son's been working, and I think he is a superb person. Not having a lot of money has made him realize what work is all about. On the other hand, he was elected to go to a youth leadership conference in Washington, and I can't send him because I don't have the money. Lack of money takes away opportunities he otherwise could have had."
On the question of what money can and can't buy, a large majority of Americans said that money could buy "freedom to live as you choose", "excitement in life", and "less stress". In a number of follow-up interviews, many people commented that having extra money would immediately alleviate one source of profound stress——the need to work overtime. Those with college and graduate degrees were far more likely to believe that money can buy freedom, perhaps because better-educated people already have a wider array of choices. College-educated professionals, for instance, were much more likely to consider wealth a way of financing travel, starting a business of their own, or funding charitable works in their communities.
A 55-year-old Hispanic woman in Los Angeles with a graduate degree and an income of more than$90,000 described a midlife career switch. After resigning from a high-level, high paying——but extremely stressful—civil service job, she became a florist. "After I Started tearing my hair out," she said, "I decided to go into business for myself—flowers don't talk back."
Can money buy peace of mind? Fifty-two percent of Americans said no. "It all depends on what 'peace' means to you," observed a businesswoman in California who is nearing 60 and would like to retire at 62 and go back to college. "For my husband, peace of mind means working as long as he can and collecting the biggest possible pension. For me, it means knowing I've worked long enough so that I can afford to go after an old dream, I guess you should say that my peace of mind is his worry."
According to the writer, older Baby Boomer women went to work chiefly because ______.

A. there were more job opportunities
B. they were bored staying at home
C. they don't have enough money to buy their own house
D. life was costly
