A. 好きなどころか
B. 好きなわりには
C. 好きだからこそ
D. 好きというより
近年は中国は欧米への留学生数で日本を( )大きく水をあけている。
A. 追いかけて
B. 追いついて
C. 追っていて
D. 追い抜いて
A. よう
B. まい
C. がち
D. ぬく
如果你回到古代去问一个年轻人他最大的梦想是什么,那他多半会告诉你中状元。If you have a chance to _____ and asked an educated man what his biggest dream was he would tell you that he wants to become zhuangyuan, a tittle conferred on the scholar who came first in the highest imperial examination.
在中国古代想做官可没那么容易,那要先参加考试,考试很难,要层层选拔。最后还要皇帝亲自确认。最终成绩排在第一名的叫做状元。In ancient China it was not easy to ____. You have to take exams first. The exam is very difficult and have many ____. The outcome has to be ____ by the Emperor himself. The number one scholar with the best score in the imperial exam is called zhuangyuan.