In the following groups, one statement is the general point, and the other statements are specific support for the point. Choose the letter of the general idea.
A. Last night we could hear and smell a large animal prowling outside our tent.
B. Green flies with stinging bites are in abundance around our campsite
C. The time has come to find a new campsite.
D. This morning we discovered a nest of baby rattlesnakes nearby.
In the following groups, one statement is the general point, and the other statements are specific support for the point. Choose the letter of the general idea.
A. Children are at risk at the school.
B. There are two active gangs in the school.
C. Knives and guns have been found in lockers.
Drug busts have been made at the school.
In the following groups, one statement is the general point, and the other statements are specific support for the point. Choose the letter of the general idea.
A. Cats are clean and do not require much attention.
B. There are definite advantages to having a cat as a pet.
Cats like living indoors and are safe to have around children.
D. Cats are inexpensive to feed and easy to keep healthy.
In the following groups, one statement is the general point, and the other statements are specific support for the point. Choose the letter of the general idea.
A. Many credit card companies charge people annual fees of $25 to $50.
B. Credit card companies make money from their customers in several ways.
C. Nearly all credit-card companies charge people high interest rates, up to 20% or more.
D. Most credit card companies sell their customers’ names and addresses to other companies.
In the following groups, one statement is the general point, and the other statements are specific support for the point. Choose the letter of the general idea.
A. Communicating with family and friends using computer e-mail takes very little effort or time.
B. Finding information is as easy as typing several key words.
C. Shopping can be quickly handled online with a few clicks of the mouse and the use of credit card.
D. Computers make everyday matters much easier.