
Successful investor Warren Buffet says that _____ is the most important requirement on his list of what he looks for in a new employee()

A. personal integrity
B. moral intelligence
C. optimistic attitude
D. creative energy


What action could any of Rock City’s dentists take to limit their exposure to liability as well as make it easier to find capital for expansion()

A. form a silent partnership
B. incorporate
C. obtain a Small Business Administration loan
D. create a limited partnership

A ____ is considered a blueprint for a company()

A. business idea
B. business plan
C. mission statement
D. partnership agreement

Which of the following is among the disadvantages of small business ownership()

A. lifestyle uncertainty
B. steep learning curve
C. heavy time commitment
D. family values

Which of the following items is not directly related to the problem of dealing with ethical issues()

A. bribes
B. conflicts of loyalty
C. whistle-blowing
D. hiring practices
