纳税人临时占用耕地,应当缴纳耕地占用税。纳税人在批准临时占用耕地的期限内恢复所占用耕地原状的,全额退还已经缴纳的耕地占用税。( )
Apart from the Bible, "Hamlet" is the most important quoted work in the English Language.
A. 对
B. 错
________ is a natural means of writing in revealing the prince's inner conflict and psychological predicament困境 尴尬处境 in Shakespeare's Hamlet.
A. Dialogue
B. Soliloquy
C. Monologue
D. Satire
"To be or not to be, that's a question" is a line taken from ________.
A. Hamlet
B. Romeo and Juliet
C. Othello
D. The Merchant of Venice
A. 大
B. 小
C. 一样
D. 不一定