
初一语文单元测验中,王老师发现某学生抄袭了一道 1 分的题目。阅卷时,他在这个学生的试卷上打分为“90-1”,该生拿到试卷后非常惭愧,要求改为 89 分。王老师给他批了一个“89+1”,并对他说:“知错能改就好,这 1 分是对你能认识和改正错误的奖励。”王老师的做法所体现的教师劳动特殊性不包括()。

A. 阶段的特殊性
B. 任务的特殊性
C. 对象的特殊性
D. 工具的特殊性


Go and see for yourself, and you______what be said is true.

A. would find
B. will find
C. would have found
D. should find


A. 主动脉瓣
B. 肺动脉瓣
C. 二尖瓣
D. 三尖瓣
E. 以上都不是

Only after you have taken the placement test for the freshman in this university,

A. we can tell one"s level
B. we can tell one his level
C. can we tell one"s level
D. can we tell you your level


A. outside
B. except
C. as
D. like
