According to the passage, the law of diminishing marginal utility_____.
A. is explained by income and substitution effects
B. explains why the additional units yield less utility
C. slows that the additional units yield less satisfaction
D. (effects the consumer's desire to get the cheapest buy
A. 一切事物的存在和发展都是有条件的
B. 有些事物的存在和发展是有条件的,有些则不然
C. 事物存在和发展的条件变了,事物本身不需要发生变化
D. 事物存在和发展的条件变了,事物不一定随之而改变
A. 正确
B. 错误
Some people are addicted to anxiety because
A. they consider the state of anxiety as a normal situation.
B. they enjoy being in the state of feeling anxious.
C. they have negative attitudes towards life.
D. anxiety keeps them bored and empty inside.