A. 控制污染源与湖库生态恢复相结合
B. 根据湖库的纳污能力及水环境容量和水资源合理开发利用量进行产业结构调整和人口控制;并与流域内各城市规划及社会经济发展计划相协调,与相关行业部门的规划相协调
C. 以治理重点污染区、重点污染源为主,优先考虑对饮用水源地的保护
D. 根据湖库流域实际条件,对污染源实行集中与分散治理相结合,点源与面源治理相结合
E. 以预防污染和生态保护为主,水资源利用与保护相结合
A.We don't know.B.He can hopefully get the job.C.He is likely to lose the job.D.He wou
A. We don't know.
B. He can hopefully get the job.
C. He is likely to lose the job.
D. He would have to wait for a due course.
A.Glider turn upside down.B.Landing.C.High altitudes.D.Storms, avalanches, and strong
A. Glider turn upside down.
B. Landing.
C. High altitudes.
D. Storms, avalanches, and strong winds.
听力原文:Because Susan was accepted by the state university, her brother Ben applied there, too.
A. Susan and Ben were accepted at the state university.
Ben applied to the state university because Susan was accepted there.
C. Ben did not want to go to the state university because Susan is there.
D. Neither Susan nor Ben is interested in attending the state university.
A.You get them when you've been deep under water.B.If you come up out of the water too
A. You get them when you've been deep under water.
B. If you come up out of the water too quickly, bubbles form. in your blood.
C. You can even die because of them.
D. They happen quite often when you scuba dives.