

A. 0.5%醋酸
B. 4%碳酸氢钠
C. 1:2000苯扎溴铵
D. 1:5000高锰酸钾
E. 1:1000呋喃西林


听力原文:M: Dr. Wilson, can I tall to you for a minute?
W: Sure, Fred, what is it?
M: I'm worried about my grade in your English class. I really want an "A", but...
W: I see. Well, it might be hard for you to get an "A". So far you have a "B" average. You would need a 97 or 98 on your final exam to get an "A". Do you think you can get that high a score?
M: Probably not. The problem is I have to have a "B" average in all the subjects to get the prize from our government, or I'll have to find a part-time job. I'm afraid it is difficult for me to put all my heart in my study if I have to work in my spare time. I'll probably get an "A" in history and a "B" in math, but I'll get a "C" in chemistry.
W: That is a problem, isn't it? You'll have to have an "A" in English to get a "B" average.
M: Yes, but it doesn't look very good for me right now.
W: I gave two less tests this term than I usually do. That might have changed your grade a little. Maybe I'll give everybody a chance to write a composition in English, then you'll have a good chance to get an "A".
M: That would be great. I'll try my best. Thank you very much.

A. English.
B. History.
D. Maths.



A. 呼吸道合胞病毒肺炎
B. 腺病毒肺炎
C. 肺炎支原体肺炎
D. 肺炎球菌肺炎
E. 金黄色葡萄球菌肺炎

有一段说明语句如下: DIMENSION A(5) ,B(5) EQuiVALENCE(A(3) ,B(4) ) 说明语句EQuiVALENCE(A(3) ,B(4) )在程序中的作用是()

A. 用于在数组A和B之间传递数据
B. 说明数组A和B是同一个数组
C. 说明数组A和B共用相同的存储单元
D. 说明数组A和B的部分元素共用相同的存储单元
