A. 宿舍人际关系关系良好
B. 常常打架
C. 暴力相向
D. 漠不关心
A. 全宿舍笔记本
B. 全宿舍单反相机
C. 小乌龟
D. 宠物狗
A. 诚实守信
B. 谦虚谨慎
C. 乐于助人
D. 宽容理解
Replace the underlined words and expressions with more formal ones from Text B.2. Anxious parents often advise their children to pursue these disciplines because job prospects are seemingly better in STEM areas.3. The findings clearly emphasize the importance of the liberal arts.4. More than 9 in 10 want those they hire to show ethical judgment and integrity, intercultural skills, and the capacity for continued new learning.5. Increasingly, the information we receive from many sources—including 140-character Twitter feeds, videos and other social media一is tailored to oursupposedinterests.6. Such graduates will develop skills to help our country carry out solutions rather than simply conduct arguments.7. The abilities to quickly take in information, analyze what's needed, and aggregate content for personal or professional use are skills that are critical in all aspects of life today.
Match the following words or phrases in Column A with the meanings in Column B.