1.The government tells us to spend or we'll never get out of the ____. At the same time, they tell us that unless we save more, our country is in grave danger.
A. recession
B. difficulty
C. danger
D. depression
I think that the messages we get from our environment seem to ___common sense and contradict each other deny.
A. deny
B. contradict
C. betray
D. defy
The paradox is that every day we get two sets of messages at ____ with each other.?xml:namespace>
A. strangeness
B. agreement
C. odds
D. contradiction?xml:namespace>
The other wecould call an “upright” message, which _____us, “Work hard and save. Suspendyour desires. Avoid luxuries. Control your appetite for more than you truly need.”(Para. 3)
A. encourages
B. persuades
C. begs
D. urges