
下列关于吗啡的叙述正确的是( )

A. 为两性化合物
B. 氧化历程为自由基反应
C. 在酸性条件下加热,可发生脱水重排反应
D. 可用三氯化铁反应区别吗啡和可待因


阿扑吗啡的临床应用为( )

A. 镇痛药
B. 催吐药
C. 镇咳药
D. 治疗性功能障碍

半合成镇痛药是保持吗啡的基本结构骨架,仅对( )进行结构改造与修饰。

A. 3-OH
B. 6-OH
C. 7,8位双键
D. 17位N-甲基

which of the following does not descirble accounting

A. language of business
B. an end rather than a means to an end
C. useful for decision making
D. used by business, government , nonprofit organisaiotns, and individual

To understand and use accounting information in making economic decisons, you must understand

A. the nature of economic acitivities that accounting information describes
B. the assumptions and measurement techniques revolved in developing accounting informaiton
C. which informaiton is relavent for a paricular type of decision that is being made
D. all of the above
