If you attempt to use a local variable before it has been given a value, 如果你试图在局部变量被赋值之前使用它,
A. a compiler error will occur 编译器会出错
B. the local variable will always contain the value 0 局部变量总是包含值0
C. the results will be unpredictable 结果将是不可预测的
D. the local variable will be ignored 局部变量将被忽略
num = Integer.parseInt(string str) + 5;
A. num will be set to 560 num将被设置为560
B. str will have a value of “560” tr的值为“560”
C. the last line of code will cause an error 最后一行代码将导致错误
D. neither num or str will be changed num和str都不会改变
public void displayValues(double x, int y)
A. displayValue(a,b); // where a is a long and b is a byte a为long型,b为byte型
B. displayValue(a,b); // where a is an int and b is a byte a为int型,b为byte型
C. displayValue(a,b); // where a is a short and b is a long a为short型,b为long型
D. 以上给定的值都是错误的
A. showProduct("5", "40");
B. showProduct(10.0, 4.6);
C. showProduct(10, 4.5);
D. showProduct(3.3, 55);
When writing the documentation comments for a method, you can provide a description of each parameter by using a 在为方法编写文档注释时,可以通过 对每一个参数进行描述。
A. @comment tag
B. @doc tag
C. @param tag
D. @return tag