要发出去的数据应该每周更新一次。(send out, update )The data to be _________ should be updated once a week.
他有很好的团队精神,能与任何一类人很好地合作。(any type of)He has good team spirit, being able to work with ______________.
在她手里,一片普通的纸可以被剪出各种花儿来。(a piece of, cut out)In her hands, ______________ could be cut out into various kinds of flowers.
这种甜言蜜语不适用于我。(work for)Such sweet words don’t ________________.
【单选题】Career planning is based on a very clear understanding of who you are - your ________.
A. skills
B. skills and values
C. skills, values and interests
D. skills, values, interests and personality