
Answer the following questions according to the paWhere does the writer most probably live?2. Why did the man and his wife go to their favorite restaurant for dinner?3. Why is the process of gathering data important for customer satisfaction measurement?4. What did the owner’s note in the questionnaire begin with?5. In order to successfully measure customer satisfaction, what should an organization pay muchattention to?


根据技能训练二 基尔霍夫定律验证的实验指导,完成实验电路中支路电流和元件电压的测量,记录实验数据,完成实验报告,并上传实验报告。

支持商业银行发放中长期贷款的理论是( )。

A. 预期收入理论
B. 可转换理论
C. 商业贷款理论
D. 资产负债综合理论

管理外汇和黄金储备体现了中央银行的( )职能。

A. 发行的银行
B. 银行的银行
C. 政府的银行
D. 调节

回购协议市场的特点有( )。

A. 流动性强
B. 期限在一年以上
C. 融资成本低
D. 收益稳定并较银行同期存款收益率高
