
IV. Rewrite the sentences below so that they use the words given in the parentheses but keep the original meaning. Be sure to make any other necessary changes well.1. I know you’re afraid, but you really shouldn’t keep delaying your visit to the dentist. (off)2. She had a good chance of getting a promotion, but she spoiled it when she insulted one of our best customers. (shot, blow)3. Many teachers complain that the existing exam system prevents real improvements in teaching methods. (the way)4. No one thought George would ever learn Japanese, but in fact he picked it up quite quickly. (happen, time)5. What a mess your room is! Why don’t you put it in order? (up)6. If you keep acting in a way that isn’t serious, you’re going to get into trouble. (around)7. I’ve gotten somewhat physically unfit, so I’ve started going to the gym once a week to see if I can improve my physical condition. (kind, tone)


健脾丸中用量最重的药是( )

A. 人参
B. 茯苓
C. 山药
D. 白术
E. 肉豆蔻


A. 清热解毒
B. 清热解表
C. 清热散结
D. 清热消痈
E. 疏散风热



A. 对
B. 错
