Early dorms were enclosed and simply furnished, meant to separate students from the outside world and to provide more privacy for classes and reflection.
The 1950s and 60s saw a surge in political and civil rights debates in America, with the college campus taking center stage.
PowerPoint2010演示文稿文件的扩展名是( )
A. .doc
B. .xls
C. .pptx
D. .html
PowerPoint2010中,为了使一份演示文稿的所有幻灯片中具有公共的对象,则应使用( ).
A. 自动版式
B. 母版
C. 备注幻灯片
D. 大纲视图
如果要在幻灯片浏览视图选定多张连续的幻灯片,应按下( )
Alt 键
B. Shift 键
D. Tab键