Straddle positions ________.
A. help firms to analyze who their competitors are
B. allow brands to expand their market coverage and potential customer base
C. are a necessity while creating a firm's vision and mission statement
D. assist firms in collecting information on competitors that will directly influence their strategy
E. are ambiguous moral principles behind the operation and regulation of marketing
American Express' "World-Class Service, Personal Recognition," Mary Kay's "Enriching women's lives," Hallmark's "Caring Shared," and Starbucks' "Rewarding Everyday Moments" are examples of brand ________.
A. mantras
B. parity
C. identity
D. architecture
E. extension
A. 大肠癌
B. 结肠炎
C. 脊柱损伤
D. 克罗恩病
E. 甲状腺功能亢进
A. 上消化道出血时粪便为柏油样
B. 胆道完全梗阻时粪便为陶土色
C. 消化不良者大便呈腥臭色
D. 痔疮出血在排便后有鲜血滴出
E. 痢疾病人粪便呈粘液血便
A. 高热量饮食
B. 高膳食纤维饮食
C. 低盐饮食
D. 少渣饮食
E. 低蛋白饮食