A. Private Sub Form_Mouse Down(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer,_X As Single,Y As Single If Button=2 Then PopupMenu al,2 End Sub
B. Private Sub Form_Mouse Down(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer,_X As Single, Y As Single PopupMenu al,0 End Sub
C. Private Sub Form_Mouse Down(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer,_X As Single,Y As Single PopupMenu al End Sub
D. Private Sub Form_Mouse Down(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer,_X As Single,Y As Single If(Button=vbLetfButton) Or (Button=vbRightButton) Then PopupMenu al End Sub
A.The height of the tree.B.Geography and climate difference.C.Ways of harvesting the b
A. The height of the tree.
B. Geography and climate difference.
C. Ways of harvesting the beans.
D. The temperature of roasting coffee beans.
Private Sub Form_Click()
Print "Click";
End Sub
Private Sub Form_mouseDown(Button As Integer,Shift
As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Print "Donw"
End Sub
Private Sub Form_MouseUp(ButtonAsInteger,Shift
As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Print "Up"
End Sub
A. DownUpClick
B. ClickDownUp
C. DownClickUp
D. UpDownClick
A. Private Sub Text1_GotFocus() Text1.SelStart=0 Textl.Se1Length=Len(Text1.Text) End Sub
B. Private Sub Text1_LostFocus() Text1.SelStart=0 Textl.Se1Length=Len(Text1.Text) End Sub
C. Private Sub Text1_Change() Text1.SelStart=0 Textl.Se1Length=Len(Text1.Text) End Sub
D. Private Sub Text1_SetFocus() Text1.SelStart=0 Textl.Se1Length=Len(Text1.Text) End Sub
Dim y As Integer
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim x As Integer
End Sub
Private Function Funl(x As Integer) As Integer
x=x+y ∶y=x+y
End Function
Private Function Fun2(x As Integer,y As Integer) As Integer
End Function
A. 2 4 2 4
B. 2 4 4 8
C. 10 10 58 58
D. 4 4 8 8