14. What is the man concerned about?
A. The safety of weight-lifting.
B. The high membership fee.
C. The renewal of his membership.
D. The operation of fitness equipment.
15. What do we learn about the woman from the conversation?
A. She wants her invitation renewed.
B. She used to do 200 sit-ups every day.
C. She knows the basics of weight-lifting.
D. She used to be gym's personal trainer.
A. 对
B. 错
( )代表了人类社会迄今最先进的人生追求。
A. “服务我党、奉献社会”
B. “服务家庭、奉献社会”
C. “服务人民、奉献社会”
D. “服务人民、奉献家庭”
马克思在历史上第一次科学阐明了人的本质,人的本质( )。
A. 在其现实性上是一切社会关系的总和
B. 人有改造自然的能动性
C. 人有理性
D. 人有阶级性