

A. 浮髌试验(+):膝关节积液
B. 前抽屉试验(+):后交叉韧带断裂
C. 后抽屉试验(+):后交叉韧带断裂
D. 麦氏(MC.MmurrA.y)试验(+):半月板损伤
E. 髌骨摩擦试验(+):髌骨软骨软化症


Let the earth produce fresh growth, let there be on the earth plants "bearing" seed, fruit-trees bearing fruit with seed according to its kind.

A. supporting
B. producing
C. enduring
D. pushing

God made trees "spring" from the ground, all trees pleasant to look at and good for food.

A. a season between winter and summer
B. a place where water comes naturally
C. appear or come somewhere suddenly
D. jump

SoGod put the man into a trance, and while he slept, he took one of his ribs and closed the flesh over the place.

A. intense joy or delight
B. a great expectation
C. a great pain
D. a state between sleeping and waking

A new NASA program to explore the Moon is called Artemis Program because Artemis was the goddess of________.

A. wisdom
B. the hearth
C. the moon and the chase
D. love and beauty
