
NAC’s (Network Access Control)role is to restrict network access to only compliant endpoints and (1) users. However, NAC is not a complete LAN (2) solution; additional proactive and (3) security measures must be implemented. Nevis is the first and only comprehensive LAN security solution that combines deep security processing of every packet at 100Gbps, ensuring a high level of security plus application availability and performance. Nevis integrates NAC as the first line of LAN security (4) In addition to NAC, enterprises need to implement role--based network access control as well as critical proactive security measures-real-time, multilevel (5) inspection and microsecond threat containment. (3)

A. constructive
B. reductive
C. reactive
D. productive


DOM is a platform-and language- (1) API that allows programs and scripts to dynamically access and update the content, structure and style of WWW documents (currently, definitions for HTML and XML documents are part of the specification). The document can be further processed and the results of that processing can be incorporated back into the presented (2) DOM is a (3) -based API to documents, which requires the whole document to be represented in (4) while processing it. A simpler alternative to DOM is the event-based SAX, which can be used to process very large (5) documents that do not fit into the memory available for processing. (1)

A. specific
B. neutral
C. contained
D. related

DOM is a platform-and language- (1) API that allows programs and scripts to dynamically access and update the content, structure and style of WWW documents (currently, definitions for HTML and XML documents are part of the specification). The document can be further processed and the results of that processing can be incorporated back into the presented (2) DOM is a (3) -based API to documents, which requires the whole document to be represented in (4) while processing it. A simpler alternative to DOM is the event-based SAX, which can be used to process very large (5) documents that do not fit into the memory available for processing. (3)

A. table
B. tree
C. control
D. event

In looking at the class structure of an entire system, we may find that its inheritance (1) is either wide and shallow, narrow and deep, or balanced. Class structures that are wide and shallow usually represent forests of (2) classes that can be mixed and matched. Class structures that are narrow and deep represent trees of classes that are related by a common ancestor. There are advantages and disadvantages to each approach. Forests of classes are more loosely (3) , but they may not exploit all the commonality that exists. Trees of classes exploit this commonality, so that individual classes are smaller than in forests. However, to understand a particular class, it is usually necessary to understand the meaning of all the classes it inherits from or uses. The proper shape of a class structure is highly problem-dependent. We must make similar trade-offs among inheritance, aggregation, and using relation- ships. For example, should the class Car inherit, contain, or use the classes named Engine and Wheel In this case, we suggest that an (4) relationship is more appropriate than inheritance relationship. Meyer states that between the class A and B," (5) is appropriate if every instance of B may also be viewed as an instance of A. The client relationship is appropriate when every instance of B simply possesses one or more attributes of A". From another perspective, if the behavior of an object is more than the sum of its individual parts, then creating an aggregation relationship rather than an inheritance relationship between the appropriate classes is probably superior. (1)

A. distinction
B. level
C. grade
D. hierarchy

某市人民检察院对高某的贪污案件进行了侦查,并逮捕了高某。请回答下列问题。 下列哪些案件由人民检察院立案侦查( )。

A. 某公司逃避追缴欠税案
B. 某监狱警卫刘某虐待被监管人案
C. 某市财政局干部报复举报人案
D. 村民陈某暴力破坏选举案件
