For Questions 6-10, you will hear a passage about health differences between men and women. While you listen, complete the sentences and answer the question. Use not more than 3 words for each answer. You will hear the recording twice. You now have 25 seconds to read the sentences and the question below. American men are more likely than women to smoke cigarettes and drink ______.
You will hear three dialogues or monologues. Before listening to each one, you will have time to read the questions related to it. While listening, answer each question by choosing A, B, C or D. After listening, you will have time to check your answer. You will hear each piece once only. When a bone bends but does not break, it is called ______.
A. a hairline fracture
B. a comminuted fracture
C. a bowing fracture
D. an open fracture
Mother’s Day is celebrated on ______.
A. the second Sunday in May
B. the third Sunday in May
C. the second Sunday in June
D. the third Sunday in June
刘先生是某广告公司设计部的主管,他发现手下员工的士气普遍比较低落,工作业绩也一直没有起色。刘先生在员工中进行了调查,结果发现员工普遍感觉工作内容十分枯燥,每天只能按部就班地完成上面分配下来的工作,缺乏成就感。针对这种情况,为了调动员工的积极性,刘先生决定在设计部每月评选一名工作出色的员工,并给予重奖;但是这项措施实行一段时间之后,情况没有任何改观;有员工表示,每月优秀员工的评选缺乏客观的指标,无法反映个人的真实工作情况。 从期望理论的角度分析,刘先生的激励措施之所以没有效果,问题出在______因素上。
A. 效价
B. 期望
C. 工具
D. 激励
某公司是一家由事业单位转制而成的股份制企业。在转制之前,员工的薪酬基本上是按照职务、技术职称和工龄等来确定的,员工的工资差别不大,所以干多干少一个样,尽管单位的效率不高,但大家觉得挺满足。但改制以后,由于企业要直接面对激烈的市场竞争,所以公司的领导层决定打破传统的薪酬体制,实行绩效薪金制,如今两年过去了,该公司的产值翻了两番,员工的收入也大大增加,大家觉得比以前更满足了。 关于绩效薪金制度的说法,正确的是______
A. 绩效薪金制中的绩效只能是个人绩效
B. 绩效薪金制的基础是公平、量化的绩效评估体系
C. 常用的绩效薪金制有计件工资等
D. 对管理者实施按利润分红也是绩效薪金制