
The sediments being deposited at the present time at the site where the core was taken have a much higherCO2content than any of the tills. Given this informa-tion and the information in Figure 1, the CO2contentof sediments recently deposited at the site would mostlikely be in which of the following ranges?

A. Less than 10 mL/g
Between 10 mL/g and 25 mL/g
C. Between 25 mL/g and 35 mL/g
D. Greater than 35 mL/g


Based on the data in Table 2, one can conclude that when the mass of sucrose is decreased

A. increase by one-half.
B. decrease by one-half.
C. increase by one-fourth.
D. decrease by one-fourth.

For safety reasons, you should move the knife in a direction away from ______when peeling

A. yourself
B. your
C. yours
D. your own

Suppose that the model presented by Student 1 is cor-rect and that the transfer of genes between 2 bacteriawas interrupted after 45 min. Based on the informationprovided, which of the following genes would NOThave been transferred from the donor bacterium to therecipient bacterium?

A. Gene G
B. Gene X
C. Gene R
D. Gene S

【原文】太湖明珠无锡,位于江苏省南部,地处美丽富饶的长江三角洲中心地带。这里气候宜人,物产丰富,风景优美,是中国重点风景旅游城市。与万里长城齐名的古京杭大运河纵贯市区,泛舟河上,能领略水乡的民俗风情。 距市区七公里的太湖梅梁景区是太湖风景之精华,碧波万顷,渔帆点点,湖光山色令人陶醉。其中的鼋头渚巨石状如鼋头,远眺烟波浩渺的太湖,被诗人郭沫若誉为“太湖佳绝处”。
