
Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,
First of all, I wish to congratulate the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) and the Interpol on the success of this conference, a conference which has attracted over 500 delegates including anti-corruption experts, law enforcers, representatives from world organizations, and financial institutions and academia from around the world. It is indeed a great honour for Hong Kong to co-host this global conference with the world's preeminent organisation.
I would also like to extend my warmest welcome to all our participants, who come from all over the world and yet share a commitment to the same cause. The participation of 65 law enforcement agencies from more than 59 jurisdictions and eight international organisations in this conference reflects a truly global partnership in fighting corruption.
Corruption is a social crime. Its adverse effects on a society can be very significant if left unchecked. It can erode the rule of law, undermine the efficiency of governments, stifle economic development, and in some cases may trigger social and political unrest.
With accelerated economic globalization and rapid advances in technology, corruption to day transcends national boundaries, and has taken on a new dimension. It has become a means to facilitate and perpetuate syndicated crimes, including international money laundering schemes, massive commercial fraud scams, cross-border drug trafficking, smuggling of human beings and many other serious crimes.
To tackle corruption as a global issue and a cross-border crime, we need a global approach and a border-less alliance. Hong Kong's ICAC and Interpol have built up a very solid relation ship over the years to combat corruption through the promotion of international co-operation and strategic alliance.
Hong Kong is a premier international financial center and is widely recognised as one of the most competitive and freest economies in the world. Am6ng the many fundamental strengths that Hong Kong possesses, I am particularly proud that we are rated as one of the least corrupt places in the world.
Despite these achievements, there is no room for complacency. At the moment, we are facing tremendous challenges as our economy grapples with restructuring.
This conference provides a valuable forum for all participants to share experiences and to exchange ideas and initiatives for tackling corruption. I am sure everyone here will benefit in one way or another. Ladies and Gentlemen,
I now declare the Conference open, and wish you a fruitful and very memorable stay in Hong Kong.
Thank you.


The professor suggests ______ of the bibliography.

Which company does she work for?

I am pleased to welcome you to the United Nations for this first meeting of your contact group.
Your focus on food security in Africa comes at a crucial time. The latest food crisis on the continent has brought home to us, more than ever before, the urgent need for a strategy to break the pattern of recurrent crises and bring about a Green Revolution in Africa. But achieving this will require radical approaches on multiple fronts.
Africa has faced food crises in the past; it has faced deadly diseases; it has struggled to come to terms with governance challenges in states with limited capacity and resources.
But rarely has the continent had to face the kind of intersecting challenges we see today. Today, Africa faces a deadly triad of related burdens—food insecurity, HIV/AIDS and an emaciated capacity to govern and provide services.
We cannot find viable solutions to the challenge of food security unless we address the challenges of AIDS and governance at the same time.
Food insecurity in Africa has structural causes. Most African farmers farm small plots of land that do not produce enough to meet the needs of their families. The problem is compounded by the farmers' lack of bargaining power and lack of access to land, finance and technology.
This further weakens farmers' ability to withstand the impact of recurrent drought and the growing HIV/AIDS epidemic.
Thirty million Africans now live with HIV, and the continent has borne the brunt of more than 20 million AIDS deaths worldwide. In some areas of Africa, more than 40 percent of the population is HIV-positive, and similar proportions are going hungry.
The devastating impact of HIV/AIDS on food production—with seven million African farmers already dead—is only too obvious. Infection rates are rising among African women. The latest figures show that women make up 58 percent of Africans already infected.
Because of AIDS, skills and knowledge are dying out rather than being passed from one generation to the next. Both at the household level and the government level, resources are being diverted from food production to health care. In turn, food shortages fuel the disease, through malnutrition, poverty and inequality.
Clearly, breaking this destructive cycle poses a huge challenge to governance. It will require strong institutions, improved skills and innovative policies. But in an irony so typical of the age of AIDS, Africa's ability to govern and to provide services is itself being stretched to breaking point by the disease.
This interlocking set of issues facing Africa is far greater than the sum of its parts. Addressing the issue I have raised requires a new, integrated response from both the Governments of Africa and the international community. It requires a shift from short-term approaches to a reassessment of our entire strategy for development—or, taking long-term measures even when addressing short-term emergencies.
Ladies and gentlemen,
The United Nations family is already joining forces to mount the coordinated effort needed. I hope you will work across the board with us, and with the Governments of Africa, in developing the range of revolutionary approaches we need to tackle the deadly triad and break the pattern of food crises in Africa.
I opened my remarks with a message of despair; let me close with one hope. Yes, this is an unprecedented set of challenges. But your presence here today tells me that we have unprecedented consensus on the need to confront them. Together, we must mobilize the political will to succeed.
Thank you very much.

?Read the article below about.
?Choose the best sentence to fill in each of the gaps.
?For each gap 8-12, mark on letter (A-G) on your Answer Sheet.
?Do not use any letter more than once.
The Steady Progress of APEC
It is a measure of APEC' s success that its summit meetings (stating with the first held in 1993 at Seattle in USA) are now held annually. The second was held in 1994 at Bogor in lndonesia. It adopted a declaration to abolish tariffs between all its members by the year 2020. APEC' s developed economies would, however, follow an earlier schedule of freeing trade by 2010. The third summit at Osake (Japan) in November was to stock of the progress towards the free trade goal.
APEC' s progress is even greater considering that until the first Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) meeting of 12 regional foreign and economic ministers in Australia, it was simply a laudable idea. (8) Ever since that fateful Canberra conference in November 1989, APEC has never looked back. The original 12-member forum has 18 members: Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, New Guinea, the Philip-pines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand and the United States. The rush to join the APEC club is so great that it had to impose a three-year moratorium on new membership till 1996. (9) When Australia first mooted the proposal to convene a conference for regional cooperation, there was considerable misgiving and scepticism about it. Most ASEAN countries (Association of South East Asian Nations)--Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysin, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand (Vietnam was not a member of them)--were not particularly enthusiastic. (10) Indonesia's Foreign Minister, Ah Alatas, simply wanted any Pacific organization to be an extension of ASEAN. Indonesia's hosting of the APEC surnmit last year, where President Soeharto played a leading role in putting together the free trade declaration, would suggest that Jakarta's earlier misgivings have disappeared. (11) In the lead-up to the Osaka summit, the report card on the free trade agenda (gleaned from the meetings of officials from member countries) did not seem terribly good. The United States, which seeks expanded access (and at a quicker pace) to regional markets, was unhappy with the slowness of Japan to advance the free trade agenda. Japan was the country chairing APEC for 1995. According to MS Sandra Kristoff, the US State Department's Coordinator for APEC, Japan had "to go out there and create a consensus [on free trade], lead a consensus, make this happen ... The United States doubted Japan's free trade credentials and felt that its heart was not in the APEC pledge. Tokyo has wanted a free trade agenda to develop on a voluntary basis. (12)
However, because of America's growing preoccupation in the months ahead with presidential elections, the Clinton administration's impatience and consequent negative rhetoric need not be taken at its face value. Washington cannot afford to ignore or opt out of APEC, with the USA having about $400 billion annual trade with the region.
A The second summit was held in 1994 at Bogor in Indonesia.
B It was felt that a pan-Pacific organization would dwarf 12 ASEAN, which might then lose its reason for being discussed and even its existence.
C But, it was an idea whose time had come.
D It would, however, be naive to suggest that APEC will be all smooth sailing.
E This in itself is a proof of the considerable headway APEC has made in a short period of about six years.
F It needs emphasizing that all APEC members are in favour of regional free trade but all de not favour set time-schedules and their enforcement.
G Washington has not been happy with this approac
