病历摘要: 男性,30岁,发热伴右侧胸痛2周。 患者2周前无明显诱因出现低热、最高体温37.8℃,伴盗汗。右侧胸痛,深吸气时明显,未到医院检查。自服止痛药,3天前胸痛减轻,但右侧胸部闷胀加重。发病以来纳差,二便正常,睡眠稍差,体重无明显变化。既往体健,否认结核病接触史。 查体:T37.5℃,P84次/分,R24次/分,BP120/80mmHg,一般情况可,无皮疹,浅表淋巴结无肿大,巩膜无黄染。颈无抵抗,颈静脉无怒张。右侧胸廓稍膨隆,右下肺语颤消失、叩诊呈实音、呼吸音消失。心界不大,心率84次/分,律齐,未闻及杂音。腹平软,无压痛,肝脾肋下未触及,移动性浊音(-),双下肢不肿。 辅助检查:Hb120g/L,WBC6.9×109/L,N74%,Plt240×109/L,ESR65mm/h。
A. 劳动力需求的交叉工资弹性是指劳动力自身的工资率变化1%导致的另外一种劳动力的需求量变化百分比
B. 男性和女性劳动力的交叉工资弹性为负值,这说明两种劳动力之间是一种总替代关系
C. 男性和女性劳动力的交叉工资弹性为负值,这说明两种劳动力之间是一种总互补关系
D. 当男性劳动力的工资率上涨时,女性劳动力需求会出现上升
Your company has offices in several countries. You must test and validate all operating system images before you deploy them. You create a Windows 7 Enterprise master image that has all language packs installed. You test and validate the master image. You are planning to create regional images based on the master image. Each regional image will contain only the language pack that is necessary for a specific geographic region. You have the following requirements: Remove the language packs that are unnecessary for each region. Minimize the necessary testing and validation. You need to create the regional images. What should you do?()
A. Service the master image online by using the Deployment Image Servicing and Management (DISM) tool.
B. Service the master image offline by using the Deployment Image Servicing and Management (DISM) tool.
C. Deploy the master image to a target computer. Remove the unnecessary language packs,and then capture each regional image.
D. Run lpksetup.exe /u in unattended mode on the master image.
A. 载货量≥500t
B. 载货量≥1500t
C. 载货量≥1000t
D. 载货量≥2000t
A. 裂纹
B. 冷隔和浇不足
C. 缩孔和缩松