A. 正确
B. 错误
某地政府委托某房地产开发公司代建办公楼工程,地下1层,地上16层,建筑面积22200m2。共有甲、乙、丙、丁等8家施工单位报名参加投标。最终乙施工单位中标,并于2013年8月1日与某房地产开发公司按照《建设工程施工合同(示范文本)》(GF-2013-0201)签订了施工合同。合同总价款4840万元,合同工期350d。 在招投标过程中发生了如下事件: 事件一:政府为了控制建安成本,指定了专门的招标代理机构。 事件二:招标代理机构在招标文件发售后的第二天,发现甲施工单位在一个月前发生过重大质量事故,于是取消了甲施工单位的投标资格。 事件三:在签订合同时,约定采用固定总价一次性包死,不再调整。 事件二中招标代理机构的做法是否妥当?说明理由。
You work as the exchange administrator at TestKing.com. The TestKing.com network contains an Exchange Server 2010 Organization. TestKing.com has its headquarters in Stockholm where you arelocated. The TestKing.com network contains a Hub Transport server that has anti-spam agents installed. Youreceive instruction from management to assign the administration of the Exchange 201 organization to agroup named KingSecruity. To ensure productivity you need to make sure that users belonging to thisgroup are able to manage anti-spam setting in the organization. You should thus ensure that your solutionreduces the number of permissions that are assigned to KingSecurity. What should you do?()
A. You should consider assigning the Organization Management role group.
B. You should consider assigning the Server Management role group.
C. You should consider assigning the Hygiene Management role group.
D. You should consider assigning the Records Management role group.