试讨论国际资产净持有量的增长、经常项目盈余以及正贸易余额之间的关系。 Discuss the relation between an increase in the net holdings of international assets.a surplus in the current account.and a positive trade balance.
试分析所得税相对于一次性总付税的优点和缺点。基于效率。你会偏好哪种税收?哪种税更为公平? Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of income taxes with respect to lump sum taxes.Which one do you think is preferable on efficiency grounds?Which one is more equitable?
官方外汇储备(official foreign-exchange reserves)
A. 石韦
B. 茵陈
C. 萹蓄
D. 滑石
E. 木通