Before you think about asking for a promotion, make sure that either a position opening exists________ a new position is needed to be created.
A. and
B. nor
C. or
D. but
The HR department is a critical part of employee well-being in any business, no matter ________ small it is.
A. how
B. what
C. where
D. which
A. 25mmHg
B. 35mmHg
C. 45mmHg
D. 55mmHg
E. 65mmHg
A. 理疗
B. 应用非甾体消炎药
C. 减少负重
D. 高压氧治疗
E. 应用扩血管药物
According to the regulation, inspections________ to ensure that the systems are in good condition.
A. demanded
B. have demanded
C. be demanded
D. are demanded