10.The main purpose of the fifth generation computer effort is ______.
A. to use molecules instead of electronic elements
B. to express logical symbols in the way of chemical units of DNA
C. to obtain true artificial intelligence
D. to take the place of human thoughts
2.With advanced techniques, no one would be able to invade restricted information sources.
A. 单位负责人负责单位内部会计监督制度的组织实施,对本单位内部会计监督制度的建立及有效实施承担最终责任
B. 会计机构和会计人员对单位内部的会计资料和财产物资实施监督
C. 内部会计监督的主体是各单位的会计机构、会计人员;内部会计监督的对象是本单位的会计行为
D. 记账人员与经济业务事项和会计事项的审批人员、经办人员、财物保管人员的职责权限应当明确,并相互分离、相互制约
4.A PC can be a laptop or a desktop.
6.Computers seem to be put to little use in private homes.