Communication is necessary and fruitful between different ____.
A. Distractions
B. reactions
C. generations
D. relaxations
A trip to that African country whose people are dying from the civil war is described in the doctor’s article as a terrible ____.
A. nightmare
B. potential
C. reaction
D. implication
Rose is in the garden. She () her afternoon tea with her boyfriend.
A. is having
B. has
C. have
足月新生儿,孕42周,出生时有窒息,羊水粪染,生后4小时因气促、发绀而入院,体检发现:患儿全身青紫,反应差,呼吸急促62次/分,面色灰,两肺闻及粗湿啰音,血气结果为pH 7.20,PaO245mmHg, PaCO268mmHg,BE一3mmol/L。
A. 新生儿败血症
B. 新生儿胎粪吸入综合征
C. 新生儿寒冷损伤综合征
D. 新生儿肺透明膜病
E. 新生儿上呼吸道感染
The rise in the price has ____ people’s reluctance to purchase this product.
A. made sure
B. resulted in
C. laid out
D. kept up with