A. 调试
B. 首次装料
C. 预运行试验
D. 功率试验
A. 职业、基本行为
B. 基本行为、职业
C. 行业、职务
D. 职务、行业
E. 行为、行业
The best method to secure a tow line to a cleat is to ______.
A. Take a turn around the cleat,then figure-eights,and a half-hitch
B. Make figure-eights,followed by a half-hitch,then a figure-eight knot
C. Take a turn,a half turn,and a figure-eight
D. Take several turns around the cleat only
A. 大破口失水事故
B. 小破口失水事故
C. 蒸汽发生器传热管道破裂事故
D. 反应堆冷却剂泵泵轴卡死及泵轴断裂事故
禁用于有肝损害的门脉高 压症手术的麻醉药是()。
A. 氟芬合剂
B. 哌替啶
C. 氯胺酮
D. 地西泮
E. 氟烷