热电偶与热电阻与仪表连接的接线盒不可与被测介质管道的管壁相接触,保证接线盒内的温度不超过____ 范围。接线盒的出线孔应朝____ 安装,以防密封不良,水汽灰尘沉积造成接线端子短路。
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the expressions below.Attending a lecture is not a passive process. First, you need to (1) ___________the lecturer’s own passion for their subject because they want to share it with you. When it’s over, you should (2) __________ your notes and any handouts you’ve received. Talk to someone who attended the lecture and (3) __________the main points — you may not have understood the same ideas. (4) ____________any ideas of your own on your friend, and listen to their ideas too. Then when you’re on your own, you should (5) ___________ all the ideas with some research in the library or online. Finally, think back over everything you’ve learnt and all your own ideas, then write a summary in a sentence or two.
A. 趋向性:集中思维
B. 常规性:常规方法
C. 程序性:规范化要求
D. 强大的惯性或顽固性
A. 利于联想:根据面临的问题可以快速联想起已解决的类似问题
B. 利于对比: 将新问题的特征与旧问题的特征进行比较,少走弯路
C. 思维定势对于我们解决问题只会产生消极的影响,没有积极的作用
D. 缩短思考时间,提高效率