A. 对
B. 错
Drama activities are key to the , and emotional development of young children. Children learn as they play, pretend and imagine. When children in dramatic activities, they are experimenting with the various social and emotional roles they will encounter as adults. Drama activities teach children sharing, problem solving, and help instill a sense of by allowing them to "walk in someone else's shoes."Kindergarten children love listening to their favorite story and often want to it over and over again. Add a to story time by having your students act out their favorite story after hearing it. Choose to have them reenact the entire story or just their favorite part. Create a of a favorite fairy tale or children's book that can be shared with the class or the entire school. Classic stories like "Goldilocks and the Three Bears" and "The Three Little Pigs" are simple enough for kindergarten students to act out.Pantomime teaches children how to act out a story without using words. Children are only allowed to use hand , facial expressions, and body movements to convey the action of the story. For practice, have the children form a circle and give them an action to pantomime. For example, have them act out opening a special present, eating a bowl of something that tastes disgusting, taking a rambunctious dog for a walk, or a monkey eating a banana. Until they are enough to perform in front of the entire class, have the children all pantomime at the same time so that no one feels self-conscious.话剧活动是幼儿智力、社交和情感发展的关键。孩子在玩耍、扮演和想象中学习。当孩子们参加话剧活动时,他们在体验与不同的成年人社会和情感角色接触。话剧活动教会孩子分享、创造性的解决问题和通过允许孩子亲身体验来灌输一种同情感。幼儿园的孩子喜欢听他们喜欢的故事并经常愿意反复的听。听完故事后老师可以通过让学生表演故事情节来给故事时间增加一个新意,选择让孩子们表演整个故事情节或是他们所喜欢的部分故事情节。创作一个源于童话故事或儿童读物的表演,在班上或全校进行表演。像《金发女孩儿和三只小熊》和《三只小猪》这样的经典故事对幼儿园的孩子表演来说比较容易。童话哑剧教会孩子如何表演无声故事情节。孩子们只允许使用手势、面部表情和身体运动来传达意思。为了练习,让孩子们形成一个圆来表演哑剧。例如,让孩子们表演打开一份特殊的礼物,吃一碗尝起来味道糟糕的东西,遛一只爱闹的狗或者一只正在吃香蕉的猴子,直到孩子们在全班同学面前表演时足够自信。让所有的孩子在同一时间表演哑剧,那样孩子们不会有自我意识感。
中国共产党提出的民族六要素中的共同历史渊源中包括地域渊源和( )
A. 文化渊源
B. 语言渊源
C. 族体渊源
D. 心理渊源
在民族六要素中,起基础作用的要素是( )
A. 共同心理认同
B. 共同文化
C. 共同生产方式
D. 共同风俗习惯