在中国云南省有一个民族叫傣族。他们有一个盛大的节日叫泼水节。The Dai ____ lives in south-eastern china’s Yunnan Province. Each year they hold a ____ festival called the Water-Splashing Festival (po shui jie)
节日的一大早,人们会穿上盛装唱歌跳舞互相泼洒水。要是被泼得浑身湿透,可千万不要生气,因为他代表着祝福。People dressed in beautiful clothes sing dance and ____ water on each other on the morning of the festival. Don’t get angry if you are drenched; it ____ a blessing.
被泼的越多,新的一年里,就会越健康幸福。如果是个小伙子,这一天可能会收到少女制作的荷包,那是她在向你表达爱意。原来这泼水节还是傣族人的情人节。More water ____ more good luck in the coming year. If a young man receives pouches made by a girl that means the girl has fallen in love with him. Poshui jie ____ the Valentine’s Day for the Dai ethnic group.
现在泼水节成了云南的一道风景。现在不仅是傣族人很多游客也会特意赶过来参加这个吉祥好玩的狂欢节。Poshui jie has become part of the culture in Yunnan Province. Nowadays, not only Dai people but also tourists ____ this exciting _____.
A. 对
B. 错