
根据雅戈尔集团2019年的年报计算1.计算该集团的市盈率、市净率2.ROA ROE ROIC(根据营业利润进行计算),所得税率为25%3.将ROA ROE ROIC三个指标进行对比分析(所有计算结果保留整数)


This picture is ________ to one my mother has.

A. like
B. same
C. identical
D. alike

They are celebrating their town’s annual harvest ________.

A. holiday
B. festival
C. vacation
D. Christianity

Indiana Jones is the ________ of the film. That is, he is the main character in the film.

A. hero
B. character
C. pyramid
D. twin

In Britain, the summer holidays or summer ________ is from June to October.

A. festival
B. vocation
C. vacation
D. parade
