
Placenta functions include()

A. defense function
B. immune function
C. substance exchange function
D. synthesis function


Fertilization egg implantation requires()

A. Simultaneous development and functional coordination of the blastocyst and endometrium
B. Zonal pellucida disappears
C. Blastocyst and trophocyte differentiate into syncytiotrophoblast
D. Pregnant women endocrine sufficient amount of progesterone

Which of the following can accurately diagnose early pregnancy()

A. ultrasound shows pregnancy sac echo in the uterus
B. Frequent urination
C. Uterine enlargement and cervical congestion shows purple-blue
D. Urine Pregnancy Test()

Where does the uterine artery originate()

A. the anterior trunk of the internal iliac artery
B. external iliac artery
C. abdominal aorta
D. renal artery

_of the Taihu Lake which has the fame as “a boundless expanse of blue waters” are within the boundary of Suzhou()

A. Half
B. One third
C. One fourth
D. Three quarters
