
Along with the letter was his promise ______ he would visit me this coming Christmas.

A. what
B. that
C. why
D. which



A. 800
B. 600
C. 400
D. 1000

According to the passage, which of the following statements BEST reflects the authors opinion?

A. Introversion is seen as an inferior trait because of its association with sensitivity.
B. Extroversion is arbitrarily forced by society as a norm upon people.
C. Introverts are generally regarded as either unsuccessful or as deficient.
D. Extroversion and introversion have similar personality trait profiles.


A. 参芪丸与柏子养心丸
B. 脑立清丸与六味地黄丸
C. 金匮肾气丸与牛黄解毒丸
D. 妙济丸与利胆排石片
E. 天麻丸与大活络丸

Dianas house was crowded with happy people whose ______ outbursts of song were accompanied

A. substantial
B. spontaneous
C. simultaneous
D. synthetic
