

A. 股权分置改革的顺利推进使国有股、法人股、流通股利益分置、价格分置的问题不复存在
B. 各类股东具有一样的上市流通权和相同的股价收益权,各类股票按统一市场机制定价,二级市场价格开始真实反映上市公司价值,并成为各类股东共同的利益基础
C. 股权分置改革为中国资本市场优化资源配置奠定了市场基础,使中国资本市场从市场基础制度层面与国际市场不再有本质的差别
D. 股权分置改革在五年的时间内基本完成



A. 有符合本法和《公司法》规定的章程
B. 注册资本不低于1亿元人民币,且必须为实缴货币资本
C. 主要股东具有从事证券经营、证券投资咨询、信托资产管理或者其他金融资产管理的较好的经营业绩和良好的社会信誉,最近3年没有违法记录,注册资本不低于3亿元人民币
D. 取得基金从业资格的人员达到法定人数

The fall in demand for coffee could cause a ______in the market, forcing some producers to

A. dole
B. sonar
C. melee
D. glut

The identification of disease-related genes has led to an increase in the number of available genetic tests that detect disease or an individual's risk of disease. New tests arc being developed to detect colon cancer, breast cancer, and other conditions. Scientists are concerned not only that gene tests offered are reliable, but also that patients and health care professionals understand the limitations of such testing. The disclosure of test results could inflict psychological harm to a patient if safe and effective interventions are not also available.
Gene testing involves examining a person's DNA-taken from cells "in a sample of blood or, occasionally, from other body fluids or tissues—for some anomaly that flags a disease or disorder. In addition to studying genes, genetic testing in a broader sense includes biochemical tests for the presence or absence of key proteins that signal aberrant genes.
The most widespread type of genetic testing is newborn screening. Each year in the United States, four million newborn infants have blood samples tested for abnormal or missing gene products. Some tests look for abnormal arrangements of the chemical bases in the gene itself, while other tests detect inborn errors by verifying the absence of a protein that the cell needs to function normally. Carrier testing can be used to help couples to learn if they carry—and thus risk passing to their children. Genetic tests—biochemical and DNA-based—also are widely available for the prenatal diagnosis of conditions such as Down syndrome.
Much of the current excitement in gene testing centers on predictive gene testing: tests that identify people who are at risk of getting a disease, before any symptoms appear. Tests are already available in research programs for some two dozen diseases, and as more disease genes are discovered, more gene tests can be expected.
Tests for a few rare cancers are already in clinical use. Predictive gene tests for more common types of cancer are still primarily a research tool, difficult to execute and available only through research programs to small numbers of people who have a strong family history of disease. But the field of gene testing is evolving rapidly, with new genes being discovered almost daily and innovations in testing arriving almost as quickly.
Scientists argue that the genetic testing is not perfect partly because______.

A. it chiefly centers on predictive gene testing
B. the health care for patients is not professional
C. it may arouse the patients' discomfort mentally
D. it involves the DNA test and biochemistry

Which of the following statements is true in the eyes of the writer?

Applications of television are beneficial to big cities.
B. Applications of television are believed to be good activities.
C. Applications of television are restricted to television systems.
D. Applications of television do benefit to the mass entertainment field.
